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Register for LPAA Hockey

2024-25 Hockey Registration

Registration for the 2024-25 season is closed, however spaces do remain available. 

  • Skills - 10 spots available
  • Tykes - 8 spots available
  • Pee Wee - FULL
  • Juniors - FULL
  • Seniors - FULL

Please reach out to prior to registering to ensure that you can be accommodated. 

Registration Fee

  • Registration fee:  $225
  • Registration fee includes ice time, team jersey and hockey socks.
  • Registrations following the commencement of the season are accepted (space permitting) however we are, unfortunately, unable to provide a prorated fee for late registration.


  • On or before October 31:  Refunds available less a $15 administration fee.
  • On or after November 1:  No refunds except for compassionate medical reasons.  Any permitted refunds subject to a $15 administrative fee.

Click on the red box below to begin the registration process.

before clicking above to register,


To be eligible to play in the LPAA hockey league, applicants must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Boys and girls are welcome (all of our teams are co-ed)
  • Players may play in another hockey league, however any “Select” (or higher) players (who have played at that level at any point during the last 24 months) from other leagues are NOT allowed.  This is because our experience over the years has been that just one or two Select players on a LPAA team completely throws off the team balance, and lopsided scores result with some teams winning no games and other teams winning by 10 to 0, and less-skilled players rarely touching the puck.  If a Select player is found to be on a team, he/she will be asked to leave the team without refund. (note that “Select” includes “Taxi squad” players).
  • As we are a community league, priority is given to players in the area bounded by St. Clair to the South, York Mills to the North, Bayview to the East, and Bathurst to the West.


Teams are made up based on the following criteria:

  • First and foremost, the skill level of the child. An unbalanced team is not fun for any child. To that end, please put some thought into the section on the application form in which you are asked to rate your child's ability, as we use this info to try to make up balanced teams.
  • The need to ensure that we have a Coach and at least one Assistant Coach on each team.
  • The age of the children (a mix of younger and older).
  • If possible, (e.g. it does not affect balance), a request to be paired with ONE other friend.  This request is made during the registration process.  Please note that the requested friend MUST also request your child during their registration process.  Should more than one person be requested during registration, only the first requested name will be considered.

Please read an important note about coaching

Parents who coach children's rec sports are awesome.  We think so, and we know the kids think so too.  We have decades of enthusiastic feedback from parents who were uncertain whether they could coach, or enjoy it, and who loved it and want to return every year.  Simply put, without parents offering to coach, leagues like LPAA wouldn't exist, and we would all be the worse for it.  So we do everything we can to encourage, train and celebrate the coaches who step up for this uniquely rewarding experience. 

That said, in today's society we are also mindful about creating safe experiences for kids and adults.  We have policies that try to make sure that kids are never alone with adults, and we encourage parents to remain with their kids at all times and never to consider LPAA sports as "drop-off" programs.  But even that is not enough, so like most other youth organizations, we now ask that prospective coaches complete a police criminal records check before coaching.

The good news is that we have made this as easy as possible.  The application is entirely online, directly through the Toronto Police Services website.  The cost is only $20 for a check that is good for two years, and is transferable among many other organizations.  Of course, if you have already been cleared, we accept this too.

We know it's an additional step to take when signing up to coach, but we hope it's smooth and painless and won't prevent you from offering to engage in such a rewarding experience.  If you have any comments or questions, we're happy to hear from you through our "Feedback" tab above.