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LPAA Hockey

It's Cooler To Play Outdoors!

LPAA Hockey

2024-25 Season Registration

Registration for the 2024-25 season is closed, however spaces do remain available. 

  • Skills - 10 spots available
  • Tykes - 8 spots available
  • Pee Wee - FULL
  • Juniors - FULL
  • Seniors - FULL

Please reach out to prior to registering to ensure that you can be accommodated. 


The LPAA Hockey program offers a non-contact recreational hockey program for house-league level kids aged 4 through 15.   All of our teams and divisions are open to kids of all genders.  The goal of the program is two-fold:

  • to ensure the kids have a fun and sportsmanlike experience, and
  • to help them learn and improve on their hockey skills. 

We want a fun but competitive league.

Our house league is split up into 5 divisions based on their age at December 31:

  • Skills Division:  For ages 4 & 5 (2019 to 2020 birth years)
  • Tykes Division:  For ages 6 & 7 (2017 to 2018 birth years)
  • Pee Wee Division:  For ages 8 & 9 (2015 to 2016 birth years)
  • Junior Division:  For ages 10 to 12 (2014 to 2012 birth years)
  • Senior Division:  For ages 13 to 15 (2009 to 2011 birth years)

If you feel as though your child would be better suited to playing in a different division, please contact us and we would be happy to discuss.


The league starts when the city opens the outdoor rinks (usually the last week of November or the first week of December) and runs until Family Day weekend. 

Our goal is for each team to play 10 games.  Games are weather and ice-condition permitting.  Where games are cancelled due to weather or rink closures, we will do our best to make up games during nights that we have extra ice booked or after the Family Day weekend. 

Each division plays once a week at one of our three City rinks.  Games times may vary depending on the week.  Please see below for more details about the day, time and location of games by age group (subject to change based on permit availability).

Each game is divided into two activities:

  • the first 10 to 15 minutes (20 to 30 minutes for the Skills division) is for a practice, and
  • a game for the remaining time.

For more detailed schedule information for each of our age divisions, please scroll down to the bottom of this page.  There are tabs for each division.


To be eligible to play in the LPAA hockey league, applicants must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Kids of all genders are welcome (all of our teams are mixed-gender a.k.a. co-ed)

  • Players may play in another hockey league; however any “Select” (or higher) players (who have played at that level at any point during the last 12 months) from other leagues are NOT allowed.  Our experience over the years has been that just one or two Select players on a LPAA team completely throws off the team balance, and lopsided scores result with some teams winning no games and other teams winning by 10 to 0, and less-skilled players rarely touching the puck.  If a Select player is found to be on a team, they will be asked to leave the team without refund. (note that “Select” includes “Taxi squad” players).  


Teams are made up based on the following criteria:

  • First and foremost, the skill level of the child. An unbalanced team is not fun for any child. To that end, please put some thought into the section on the application form in which you are asked to rate your child's ability, as we use this info to try to make up balanced teams.

  • The need to ensure that we have volunteer Coaches on each team.

  • The age of the children (a mix of younger and older).

  • If possible (e.g. it does not affect balance), a request to be paired with ONE other friend.  This request is made during the registration process.  Please note that the requested friend MUST also request your child during their registration process.  Should more than one person be requested during registration, only the first requested name will be considered.


All players must have CSA approved equipment including:

  • hockey skates (no figure skates)
  • helmet with full face shield/cage
  • neck guard
  • shoulder and elbow pads
  • jock or jock shorts (with garter belt, or separate garter belt)
  • hockey gloves
  • hockey pants
  • shin guards
  • hockey stick (for proper length, hold stick vertical with child on skates, and the stick should go to their chin).

If you require help with your equipment purchase, stores like Sport Chek are good, or you can also purchase good quality beginner sets at Canadian Tire.  You may also be able to find good quality used equipment at Play it Again Sports or through online marketplaces such as Kijiji and Facebook.  

Note that team jerseys and socks will be supplied by the league just prior to the first game.  Also remember to sharpen the skates prior to the first game, and at least once during the season.


For each game in the Skills and Tykes division, players take turns each shift in net with their own regular equipment and with a goalie stick provided by the league for Tykes (Skills players use their own sticks).  In the Pee Wee, Junior and Senior divisions, a child is allocated to play goalie prior to each game, and full goalie equipment is provided by the league.  We encourage all children to try this position.  The coach(es) will work with the kids to come up with a goalie schedule for the season.


As this is a non-profit community league, we are 100% run by volunteers.  On the application form is an area to indicate your interest in volunteering to be a Coach (ideally, we have 2 Coaches per team), and we appreciate you volunteering!  Coaches do not need to be at every game (that’s why we aim to have at least 2 Coaches per team). 

No coaching experience is necessary, just need to be able to skate.  We supply coaching skills tips to help with your coaching.  


If you are not feeling up to coaching, there are other volunteer positions are available too!  See the Volunteer tab at the top of this page for more information or indicate your desire to volunteer during the registration process.


We do permit high school students to volunteer with the LPAA.  Students can assist the LPAA in a number of ways, including providing assistance to the hockey coordinators or coaches.

In order for a student to be a volunteer coach, we require that the student must be at least 16 years old and have fully read the concussion awareness materials that other coaches are required to review.  One hour per game coached will be provided towards the student’s volunteer hours.

At the end of the season, all volunteers are asked to submit a form with the dates and hours for which they volunteered.  We ask that a parent review these hours before they are submitted to the LPAA for sign-off.


Please note that games at outdoor rinks may occasionally be called off due to rain or excessive snow.  The Coach(es) and/or Convenor(s) will not necessarily know in advance if the rink is closed, and hence please assume that all games are on. 

In most cases, you would be surprised at what we can play in - light rain, freezing cold, and snow!  We will do our best to inform you if we become aware that the rinks are closed.  If you haven't heard otherwise and you're unsure, please show up to the rink!  You can also check on the status of the City of Toronto's outdoor rinks by clicking here.


Each season, we need a number of young, enthusiastic individuals to help us referee our games.  Refereeing can also be a great way to get volunteer hours.  We give preference to former LPAA hockey players. 

We are now accepting applications for referees for the 2024-25 season.  If you are interested in refereeing for the next season, please complete the referee registration form to indicate your interest and to acknowledge some of our policies.



Registration for the 2024-25 season will open in June and will stay open until November 15, 2024.  

Registrations received after November 15, 2024 will be subject to available spots.  Friend requests for registrations received after this date may not be accommodated.


One hour weekday evenings starting when the City-owned rinks open (usually the first week of December) until Family Day weekend in mid-February.

Expected 2024-25 Season:
Dec. 2, 2024 to Feb. 17, 2025


2024-25 house league

  • Registration fee:   $225
  • Registration fee includes ice time, team jersey and hockey socks.
  • Registrations following the commencement of the season are accepted (space permitting) however we are, unfortunately, unable to provide a prorated fee for late registration.

refund policy

  • On or before October 31: Refunds available less a $15 administration fee.
  • On or after November 1: No refunds except for compassionate medical reasons.  Any permitted refunds subject to a $15 administrative fee.

COVID-19 Safety Guidelines

We will be following all applicable public health guidelines and any rules required by the City of Toronto for the use of city facilities.  

Please keep in mind that public health guidelines remain fluid and may change during the season.  The LPAA strives to provide a safe environment for our players to play and have fun. 

Rakesh Aggarwal

Hockey Czar

Important Instructions for Current Season Players and Parents

ALL INFORMATION about your child's current season, including team assignment, current schedules, rosters, and up-to-date communications,  is available from the free SportsEngine mobile app.  Simply download the app by following the instructions below and connect using the same login information as when you registered.

Download the app at Apple App Store and Google Play.

2024-25 Tentative Schedules & Locations

Kids play within divisions based on age groups.  Ages are determined as of December 31. 

Teams meet for one hour each week.  Teams do not meet at any other time.  Depending on the age group, the rink location and/or the game time will vary each week. 

Click the appropriate division tab below for specific division information on times and locations. Please keep in mind that the schedule and locations are based on the schedule from past years and are subject to the availability of rinks from the City.  We will do our best to keep to these schedules, however the schedule and location are subject to change.


Rakesh Aggarwal

Hockey Czar