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Lawrence Park Athletic Association

The Lawrence Park Athletic Association (LPAA) is a neighbourhood non-profit recreational organization designed for children and teens from the ages of 4 - 17 who want to have fun on a sports team in their community.  The LPAA promotes fun, camaraderie, teamwork and skills development through its baseball, hockey, soccer and basketball programs. 

Safety is top of mind for all, and so we're working hard to make sure that the programs run in accordance with the latest public health guidelines and measures. 

Additional details are available on the web pages for the various sports.

Please direct any questions to the relevant sports czar.

We love volunteers!

We are entirely parent-volunteer run.  Looking for a rewarding experience helping kids have fun?  Check out our options!

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Soccer News

Fall House League

2024 season complete - stay tuned for details about 2025 season!

Hockey News

Winter Outdoor House League

Registration for the 2024-25 Season Is Closed - Some spaces are still available

Baseball News

Spring Rec League

2025 Registration is open!

Basketball News

Winter League

Please read an important note about coaching

Parents who coach children's rec sports are awesome.  We think so, and we know the kids think so too.  We have decades of enthusiastic feedback from parents who were uncertain whether they could coach, or enjoy it, and who loved it and want to return every year.  Simply put, without parents offering to coach, leagues like LPAA wouldn't exist, and we would all be the worse for it.  So we do everything we can to encourage, train and celebrate the coaches who step up for this uniquely rewarding experience. 

That said, in today's society we are also mindful about creating safe experiences for kids and adults.  We have policies that try to make sure that kids are never alone with adults, and we encourage parents to remain with their kids at all times and never to consider LPAA sports as "drop-off" programs.  But even that is not enough, so like most other youth organizations, we now ask that prospective coaches complete a police criminal records check before coaching.

The good news is that we have made this as easy as possible.  The application is entirely online, directly through the Toronto Police Services website.  The cost is only $20 for a check that is good for two years, and is transferable among many other organizations.  Of course, if you have already been cleared, we accept this too.

We know it's an additional step to take when signing up to coach, but we hope it's smooth and painless and won't prevent you from offering to engage in such a rewarding experience.  If you have any comments or questions, we're happy to hear from you through our "Feedback" tab above.

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